This time with a more specific purpose! I've recently acquired several old (and not so old) film cameras. Some of these were from charity shops, one was given to me by my granda. I only really got interested in taking photographs again when I was given a Olympus SP560-UZ "creative" digital camera for Christmas in 2007. Before then I was taking tourist pictures and macros with my Olympus compact, and before that, with the family 35mm compact.
Since then, I've been enjoying snapping thousands of pictures and uploading them to my computer, and to flickr. A year ago I bought a Holga, and this got me interested in film.
I don't have a lot of money to spend on photography, which can be an expensive hobby. I learned this especially from the Holga, which takes 120 film - not available in the supermarket, and not cheap to get developed in Jessop's! I don't mind buying film, but I'm spending so much on developing that it's starting to get a little too expensive.
I've already had one or two rolls developed from the Holga, and I'm quite pleased with the results, especially the black and white roll. The low-tech aspect of film is very appealing to me. When I open up the Holga, for example, I can see all the parts and I know what they do.
Anyway, today I got the first roll of black and white film back from the Holga, so I'm going to post those results first. Most of these still very much come under the heading of test shots! I'll start with one I feel came out well.
This was done on "bulb" setting, steadied on a tripod. The exposure was a good few seconds, and I think the light trail came out really nicely. This picture is my best one of the night, despite having a go with my Olympus.
Pieces of Africa by the Kronos Quartet
The Kronos Quartet played a major role in the introduction of contemporary
classical music to me. This was the very first album of them I bought and
it i...
1 day ago
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